Completed Examples
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Sketch | Lineart | Lineart + Color/Shading | |
Head | $15 | $25 | $30+ |
Bust | $20 | $30 | $40+ |
Half-Body | $30 | $40 | $50+ |
- Prices updated as of 3/3/19 after some deliberation.
- Pricing may fluctuate depending on clothing or detail.
- If you order something and want to have it ‘upgraded’ at a later time, you will be charged the difference between the two orders in the second order
- Payment will be done via Invoicing through SquareUp, and will be sent once after the sketch stage has been approved.
- Tipping option available.
- Some Nudity
- Blood / Injury (within reason)
- OCs (with reference, face claims, or PBs, etc)
- Animal Parts ( ears, tails, scales, etc)
- M…monster-y
- Gijinka / Anthros (no inanimate objects, excepting dolls. ask if unsure)
- i Can write Chinese script. Within reason.
- Explicit NSFW (maybe i’ll do prny commissions one day but not today)
- Loli / Shota (leave.)
- Multiple Characters (tired)
- Painted Pieces (more tired)
- Promoting Hate/Bigotry (self explanatory but ask if unsure)
- Full Mecha (robots hard)
- up to 3 lite modifications OR 1 lite change + 1 heavy revision (ask if you need clarification, but I will tell you ahead of time before I make the change. charges apply to additional changes.)
- solid color / vignette background (if desired)
- A4 PNG file at 144DPI (if you want JPG or other, let me know.)
- resale rights
- copyrights
- commercial usage rights (no exceptions for now.)
- a printable file (might be an option in the future, but not for now.)
- deals with the devil (it only LOOKS like a satanic offering i promise. you keep all your lives, limbs, souls, first-borns, second-borns, any-borns.)
Waiting List…………………..
3/26/2019: Form will remain for future purposes. Any requests sent will be placed into hold until commissions are open again.
Form will be disabled when the queue is full, or when I feel I need to close incoming requests.
Form will be opened up again once all commissions are cleared. Form seems to be having some glitches, so we’re reverting to normal email requests. If you sent a request with the form before 3/7/2019 and haven’t received a response, it might have gotten lost in the system. Please feel free to ask or simply resent with the new format below.
Please copy paste the below and send your request to scarlet@esquitor.com !
Name / Handle:
Other Contact: (if any; discord, plurk, twitter, tumblr, instagram, deviantart, and pillowfort are available)
Style: Sketchy / Lineart / Lineart + Flat colors / Lineart + flats + shading
Body: Head only / Bust (head to chest) / Half-body (Head to waist/hips)
Commission details:
Feel free to email scarlet@esquitor.com or comment below if you have questions!